Just about anything is discussed

Friday, November 8, 2013

Missing my baby

I sit here alone in my apartment while my baby is in Krakow, Poland having a mini vacation from the university of limerick and missing her.  I wish that she could get away from family issues, but as long as she's online and her family is too she can't get away from it completely.  She has this aunt that hates my guts and I don't know why.  I know I'm a lot older than her niece, but I'm sensing it's more than that.  I've a feeling her aunt doesn't like to share her affections with anyone else, much less a boyfriend.  Yes, I'm older than Alicia, yes I'm recently divorced (well, last year I was divorced) but that doesn't mean I'm stealing Alicia's affection for her family, deserved affection or not.  Her aunt needs to learn to share, or she's going to find out that Alicia will cut her out of her life forever.  Her aunt and her brother, her uncle, are already using her as a tool to destroy her family and Alicia has had enough of that.  Her aunt tries to take her (Alicia) away from me and Alicia might kill her.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My love

My love is so far away from me, but close to me in my heart.   The time seems to go by faster than anything because she's in my hearts mind.   I love you my Alicia, my Bella.

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

My baby

My baby is so far away from me.  I can't wait for her to come back this December.  My parents now know, and  approve of my relationship with her.   Not that my mom didn't think it was happening, she was waiting for me to come out and say it I think.  In any case, I miss my true love and hope she comes back soon.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I don't want to be in the middle

I don't want to be in the middle of my baby's family drama.  Her dad cooked his own goose with what he allegedly did, and she's cut herself off from her family for a while.  She's doing the right thing for herself and no amount of her parents calling me will make me deal with them.  I can't trust my words and if Alicia wanted to say anything to them, she would.  It's not my issue.

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Well, it's happened

I knew it was going to happen eventually... Alicia's dad is in jail.  He couldn't keep his hands off one of Alicia's friends and got too touchy feely for her standards.  Some people believe he did it, some don't.  Personally,I think he did it.  The first moment I met him he oozed an evil aura, the kind of aura that told me he was dangerous.  The kind of aura that told me if I were female, I shouldn't be alone with him.  This is going to tear the family apart, and honestly that's for the best.  The family will thrive without him being there.  The best I can do is stand by and help the woman I love.  Hang in there baby.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Well, it's happened

I knew it was going to happen eventually... Alicia's dad is in jail.  He couldn't keep his hands off one of Alicia's friends and got too touchy feely for her standards.  Some people believe he did it, some don't.  Personally,I think he did it.  The first moment I met him he oozed an evil aura, the kind of aura that told me he was dangerous.  The kind of aura that told me if I were female, I shouldn't be alone with him.  This is going to tear the family apart, and honestly that's for the best.  The family will thrive without him being there.  The best I can do is stand by and help the woman I love.  Hang in there baby.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A letter I wrote to my baby's parents in anger

Not going to send it though, just a vent session mostly.
Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mello,
You think you’re going to stop Alicia from going to Ireland?  Don’t make me laugh.  She has done everything to make herself better than you and you hate her for it.  I’m sorry but you have no fucking right to stop her from doing anything anymore.  If you try to stop me or anyone from taking her to the airport on Monday, you’ll have to deal with the police escorts that might be there.  If you want to make the possibly last memory that Alicia has before she goes to college is you in handcuffs or strait jackets, go right ahead and make a scene.  I fucking dare you!
You have terrorized, abused and scared Alicia her entire life.  The fact that she has turned out half as good as she has is a miracle that only the Great Spirit could have given her.  You have done nothing but cause her problems and I have had enough.  I took it because she’s still a child under your roof, but now that she’s all packed you pull this shit it’s the last straw.  You stop her from leaving and the cops will get involved, I promise you.
In closing, you are hateful, spiteful people who do not deserve a wonderful daughter like Alicia, and you have proven that time and again.  So I close this letter in saying, let god judge you for the evil hateful people you are.  I shake the dust on my feet at your doorstep and let the great god deal with you.
Aaron Parent

Monday, May 20, 2013

Damn damn damn

With all due respect to George Bernard Shaw and whoever wrote my fair lady, but it was the best title I could think of. I really don't want my beloved Alicia to go to Ireland this fall. She knows that, I'll be unable to see or be with her for four months. Granted that's the selfish part,that and not being able to call her because my phone won't call there. Yes there is Skype and facebook, but it's not the same. The only big problem is her high expectations. She's supposed to have $800.00 by the end of this month and an additional $5000.00 spending money by the end of August. I couldn't raise that much in so short a time and I have a job. I'm between telling her that and feeling like garbage for dashing her dreams. What do I do???

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Sunday, May 19, 2013


I've no problem with needing student loans especially if you're living on the college campus, but I never want to cosign for anything. If it goes wrong, I'm responsible. My parents feel the same way, but if Alicia needs a cosign I don't know where she'll find someone willing. Her parents are on the country teat so it's no go there, and I've enough problems keeping a roof over my head. I hope something drops for her soon.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

The truth about Paganism

Yeah, I know, a broad term for a group that covers many religions from native American beliefs to the voodoo practitioner, but here we are. Anyway, the truth about paganism. As I was sitting in church on Native American Sunday no less I was struck by a thought. If some of you don't know I was married to a short time to a witch. Not a very good one in a sense that she broke her vows to the goddess as she broke hers to me, but anyway, that's not the point of this entry. As I was sitting in church I couldn't help but think that the only reason why pagans renounce God as the highest power in the universe is because Christians in the past tried to wipe them out. Having seen both sides of the street I've got a more open view of things. I can believe there are lesser gods and goddesses like Hera, Zeus, curnunos and brid but they answer to the highest God of all, Great Spirit, creator, grandfather, in a word, God! Yahweh, the I AM is over all gods that are worshiped, and if we as Christians can believe that, we all can join in fellowship and not be in conflict anymore. That's just how I feel. If you agree or disagree then let's debate, or not. I'm just saying my own thoughts.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


It's five months since i fell deep for my baby and asked her to marry me.  She is and will always be the best thing to ever happen to me.  I love you more today baby than i have when we first fell in love.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just a tip for all you nosy assholes

If you wanted to stay on your family's good side, especially the teenage part, you might have kept from sticking your nose into their friends on Facebook. As it is you might have figured out why those friends blocked their profiles to other people other than friends. They've had busybody assholes like you sticking their noses into their business too often. What you are doing could constitute stalking and I for one am inclined to swear out a restraining order out on all of you. What business is it of yours if someone is friends with me. What I write to them on a personal level is none of your damned business. I talk personally with some friends because I've known them for a long time. I think you could show me the same courtesy that I show you to not go snooping into your profiles when you attack me for no reason. I have no desire to associate with you on Facebook in any way, shape or form. If you want to attack someone try attacking her problems, not the people who know and have seen what they go through. If you persist on harassing me after this I WILL CALL THE POLICE! You have been warned.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Can I make a suggestion

Can I make a suggestion to all you mean spirited bitches and assholes that go to high school? Just because you're cool now, doesn't mean you will be ten to twenty years from now. Those smart people you pick on and bad mouth today will soon be your potential employers. So think about this when you bad mouth people who act, think or live different than you. Pretty soon you'll ask them for a job, and they can remember what a jackass you were in high school and you'll be homeless, bankrupt and living on the state like all the other freeloading ass holes you hate so much. So before you rail against someone who has done nothing but be a little different than you, the person you pick on today can be your boss tomorrow.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Cause I love you by Johnny Cash

This was the song I dedicated to you.  I love you.
I’ll sweep out your chimney 
yes and, I will bring you flowers
yes and, I will do for you
Most anything you want me to

If we live in a cottage
You will feel like it’s a castle
By the royal way you’re treated
And attention shown to you

I’ll be there beside you
If you need a cryin' shoulder
Yes, and I’ll be there to listen
When you need to talk to me

When you wake up in the darkness
I will put my arms around you
And hold you 'til the mornin' sun 
Comes shinin’ through the trees

I’ll be right beside you
No matter where you travel
I’ll be there to cheer you
Till the sun comes shinin' through

If we’re ever parted 
I will keep the tie that binds us
And I’ll never let it break
’Cause I love you 

I will bring you honey
From the bee tree in the meadow
And the first time there’s a rainbow
I’ll bring you a pot of gold

I’ll Pick up all your troubles
And I’ll throw ‘em in the river
Then I’ll bundle down beside you
And I’ll keep you from the cold

I’ll be right beside you
No matter where you travel
I’ll be there to cheer you
Till the sun comes shinin' through

If we’re ever parted 
I will keep the tie that binds us
And I’ll never let it break
’Cause I love you

Sunday, February 24, 2013

My love

My love, I am yours.
You have opened my heart's closed doors.
My heart was burned and bruised,
I thought my ability to love I'd lose.
You brought me back
From loneliness black.
For that i am ever yours.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I have had enough

You useless pieces of garbage!  You threaten me, fine.  That i can deal with.  When you threaten your daughter, the woman i love, that's the last FUCKING STRAW!  If you didn't want your daughter to go away from you, you should have started acting like parents rather than children.  She's been carrying your useless asses on her back for years.  Not only that, she's had to take care of her younger sister too, which is your job.  The only reason you're acting like this is because when she leaves your government hand-out will be less.  Not only that, but when she turns 18 it'll be cut down anyway.  I WILL TELL YOU THIS RIGHT NOW!  IF SHE TURNS 18 AND MOVES OVER HERE AND YOU FOLLOW HER, I'LL HELP HER SLAP A RESTRAINING ORDER ON YOUR ASSES SO FAST YOUR HEADS WILL FALL OFF!  THIS IS YOUR FIRST AND ONLY WARNING!!!!!!!!!!  GOT IT?!?!?!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

To my girlfriend's parents

You call yourself parents, and yet you treat the woman i love like a slave.  You call yourself parents, yet you scream at her and attack her for no reason.  You call yourself parents, but won't let her sleep even after she goes to bed when you tell her to.  You call yourself parents, but when stress and your blasted evil attitudes make her sick you say she's faking.  You call yourself parents, but you act like spoiled brats when she tries to live her own life.  In a few months she won't be here.  You won't see her again, why?  Because you've treated her more like dung than daughter.  Why do you think she has turned to Janet, why do you think she turned to me, why do you think she turned to my parents?  Because we treat her like a human being, rather than a waste of space.  The religious card only works if you treat your children like human beings.  You disgust me and if need be i will take the daughter you hate away from you and you will NEVER SEE HER AGAIN IF IT SAVES HER LIFE AND SANITY!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013


My love for you grows stronger than ever my love
My heart spreads its wings like a dove
My soul is yours now and ever more
No one can ever tell us no

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