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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Almost a year...

It's almost a year since I met my beloved E.  We fell in love so suddenly and completely it defies descriptions.  I never thought I'd find someone with whom I felt so complete, so perfect with, but she IS that.   I think God brought us together, and everyday I thank him for that.  I thank him for the happiness and joy I feel from stuck a complete and consuming love as I have for her.   I plan to marry this living vision of divine beauty soon, and I will as I've already asked and she's said yes.   I close with this prayer. 
Dear God, I thank you for the many gifts you given me.   My life, my health, my ability to work hard, but most of all I thank you for my great love,  E.  Though far away and behind bars of steel, our hearts have become entwined so no power but yours could break it.  She fills me with love and devotion that I've not felt for years. I thank you for bringing her to me and I to her.   In all things I thank you and praise your holy name, oh God.  In jesus name,  Amen. 

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