Just about anything is discussed

Friday, April 17, 2015

Why do I put up with you?

Why do I put up with everything you put me through?  I guess there's no simple answer, but I guess the simplest answer is the longest one.  Yes we've been through some tough times, and I sense we'll be through rougher as the years go on, but we'll do it together as always.  My love for you exploded on a rainy, cloudy day like it is here right now and it hasn't gone down.  You lit my life again after a great darkness had fallen on it.  You are my life and I couldn't live without you if you left it.  You fill me with joy and always will because you are my queen of hearts.  I love you and will always hold your hand literally and electronically through your darkest and brightest times.  You are worth everything I have whether you think so or not.  You are worth it because I love you.

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